Steam Blog...

 This is my first blog. Ever!

I suppose I had better start this blog by telling you a bit about me. Starting with my name: Max. So, next I'll talk about the three things I've enjoyed learning about. Earlier this year (when we were in school) we started learning about light. It was a very interesting topic, and its a shame we had to go into lockdown so we couldn't continue it at school. The second thing that I found interesting at school requires me to take a step back from science and art and focus on history for a moment. I have really enjoyed learning about the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. We have been studying this topic over this lockdown. The third and final thing that I have enjoyed learning about this year is learning about and using the coding language Python.

The thing that interested me about this project is the STEAM aspect because I really enjoy science and maths and I am intrigued in learning more about Art and how we can communicate scientific concepts through the Arts.  

I'm looking forward to working with you.

-Max Schlegel


  1. HI Max

    Those are some pro looking mind maps!
    Python! Useful and interesting. I wish I had learned some coding.
    What aspects of light are you interested in?
    Great that you want to learn about different ways to communicate science through art!


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